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Santa’s Workshop Awarded ISO 9001 & ISO 27001

Santa’s Workshop Awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certification

With incidents of data leaks hitting the headlines and the constant threat of hackers, Santa was concerned and forced to review security controls of the ‘Naughty and Nice’ list.  ISO 27001, the information security standard, was just the tonic for his worries.

Once Santa started talking to Certification Europe and stories were revealed about disappointment at the Christmas tree as a result of toys with missing parts and several incidents of toys delivered without batteries included, it became clear to a troubled Santa that further review of his workshop’s policies and procedures was required.  Santa realised that implementing an ISO 27001 system along with ISO 9001 would keep the children’s information secure while also ensuring that there wouldn’t be disappointment on Christmas morning.

After lots of hard work by Santa and the Elves, the result has been an integrated management system for Santa’s Workshop that meets the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.  When speaking to Mrs. Claus about her husband’s achievements she said, “this was long overdue.  I had observed numerous opportunities for improvement when delivering biscuits to the workshop and have been dropping hints for years”.

Santa is delighted with the Workshop’s achievement and told Certification Europe, “I can now sleep at night knowing that the personal details of all the boys and girls in the world are safe and secure”.  He went on to say with a giggle, “I am getting a lot less reminders from the Elves about the presents, as they are now confident that a present won’t be delivered with a critical piece missing”.

Certification Europe would like to congratulate everyone at Santa’s workshop for meeting best practice and achieveing certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.  However, CEO Michael Brophy remided them that, “this is only the start of the journey and we will be back in 6 months for the first surveillance audit”.

Head Elf at Santa’s Workshop told Certification Europe that due to upcoming changes in Elf and Safety legislation in the North Pole they may need to look at implementing OHSAS 18001 in 2011.  He stressed that “elf accidents must be kept to a minimum”.  He has also invited Certification Europe’s AIC inspectors to pay a visit in 2011 to make sure they are using compliant paints for the toys.

Keep an eye out for further development’s in best practice at Santa’s Workshop, but for the moment congratulations on a job well done and to Santa for believing in Making Business Better!

To learn how you can keep information secure like Santa click here and to improve your processes and procedures so that your customer’s are never disappointed click here.

To speak to a representative of Certification Europe and learn how you can make business better please contact us.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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